Truck Accidents
Commercial motor vehicles
Truck Accident & Incident Experts, LLC, dba’s highly-qualified and well-rounded trucking expert opinions are supported by more than 30 years of experience in the highly-specialized field of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) crashes. This includes 17 years of their leader working as a CEO of a nationwide CMV crash recovery team and major disaster response and recovery, with or without hazardous material involvement. Further, Scott L. Turner’s extensive field experience is supported by the highest levels of truck and motorcoach crashes.
Turner’s expert services span from the representation of client’s such as the State of California’s legal counsel from California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) for a major cargo-tank crash with millions in highway and property damage to the Defense or Plaintiff Counsel representing the truck crash, or loading/off-loading matter. In addition to many CMV crash cases for private plaintiff and defense firms, Turner’s reputation has taken him to the federal level. Turner has been requested as the expert representing the United States Department of Justice (New Mexico) involving a CMV shipment of an estimated $25 million in cocaine from Southern California to the East coast whereas the shipment was discovered during a routine FMCSA truck inspection.