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Accident Prevention & Safety
Accident Reconstruction
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Accounting - General
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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
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Apparel & Textile Industry
Appraisal & Valuation
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Asset Tracing
Audio/Visual (incl Photography)
Aviation Valuation
Building Codes
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Business - Business Interruption
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Business - Financial & Marketing
Business - Valuation
Call Centers
Casino & Gaming Industry
Cell Phone
Cell Phone - Mapping Analytics
Child Abuse
Child Custody
Child Safety
Commercial motor vehicles
Computer - Forensics/Electronic Discovery
Computers/Cell Phone/Information Technology
Computers/Cell Phones/Information Technology
Construction - General
Construction - Contractor's Licensing
Construction - Damages
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Construction - Delays
Construction - General
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Dental/Dentistry - General
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Engineering - Facility
Engineering - Forensic
Engineering - General
Engineering - Geotechnical
Engineering - Hydraulic
Accident Prevention & Safety
Accident Reconstruction
Accounting - General
Accounting - Forensic
Accounting - General
Agricultural/Crop Science
Alcohol Abuse
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Amusement/Water Parks
Apparel & Textile Industry
Appraisal & Valuation
Arbitration & Mediation
Asset Tracing
Audio/Visual (incl Photography)
Aviation Valuation
Building Codes
Building Contractor Liability
Business - General
Business - Valuation
Business - Business & Corporate
Business - Business Interruption
Business - Business Law
Business - Financial & Marketing
Business - Valuation
Call Centers
Casino & Gaming Industry
Cell Phone
Cell Phone - Mapping Analytics
Child Abuse
Child Custody
Child Safety
Commercial motor vehicles
Computer - Forensics/Electronic Discovery
Computers/Cell Phone/Information Technology
Computers/Cell Phones/Information Technology
Construction - General
Construction - Contractor's Licensing
Construction - Damages
Construction - Defects
Construction - Delays
Construction - General
Construction - Lending
Construction - Safety
Construction - Site Management
Consumer Products
Correctional Healthcare
Credit Damage/Credit Reports
Criminal Law
Criminalistics/Criminology/Criminal Justice
Cruise Lines & Ships
Dental/Dentistry - General
Dental/Dentistry - General
Dental/Dentistry - Oral Surgery
Document Examination/Handwriting Analysis
Domestic Violence/Sexual Abuse
Domestic Violence/Spousal Abuse
Drones/Surveillance Technology
Eating Disorders
Economic Analysis
Education & Schools
Electronic Discovery
Elevator & Escalator
Emergency Communications/911
Employment & Vocational
Engineering - General
Engineering - Agricultural
Engineering - Chemical
Engineering - Civil
Engineering - Combustion
Engineering - Design
Engineering - Electrical
Engineering - Electromagnetic
Engineering - Environmental
Engineering - Facility
Engineering - Forensic
Engineering - General
Engineering - Geotechnical
Engineering - Hydraulic
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Elite Medical Experts

6440 N Swan Rd, Ste 100
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General Specialty Categories

Medicine & Health - Alternative Medicine

Medicine & Health - General

Medicine & Health - Allergy & Immunology

Medicine & Health - Anesthesiology

Medicine & Health - Audiology

Medicine & Health - Brain Injury

Medicine & Health - Breast Surgery

Medicine & Health - Cardiology

Medicine & Health - Cardiothoracic Surgery

Medicine & Health - Cardiovascular Surgery

Medicine & Health - Chiropractic

Medicine & Health - Critical Care Medicine

Medicine & Health - Emergency Medical Services

Medicine & Health - Emergency Medicine

Medicine & Health - Endocrinology

Medicine & Health - Epidemiology

Medicine & Health - Family Practice/Family Medicine

Medicine & Health - General Surgery

Medicine & Health - Gynecologic Oncology

Medicine & Health - Head & Neck Surgery

Medicine & Health - Hematology

Medicine & Health - Internal Medicine

Medicine & Health - Medical Toxicology

Medicine & Health - Neonatology

Medicine & Health - Neurosurgery

Medicine & Health - Osteopathy

Medicine & Health - Pediatric Surgery

Medicine & Health - Pain Management

Medicine & Health - Pediatrics

Medicine & Health - Radiation Oncology

Speciality Focus

We have thousands of experts nationally in every medical specialty and sub-specialty.

Details of Expertise

Elite Medical Experts aligns university physicians as expert witnesses for any matter at the intersection of Medicine & Law. In thousands of cases covering every medical and surgical specialty, Elite's physician-led team delivers actionable case strategy with top-tier experts matched to the exact demands of each case. Trusted by trial attorneys since 2009. Experts available in all specialties and subspecialties including but not limited to the following: Paramedic, Emergency medical technician, First responder, EMS, EMT, Ambulance, fireman, Firefighter, Emergency Medical Services, Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Basic Life Support (BLS), Advanced Life Support (ALS), Spinal cord injury management, Bleeding control, Splinting and fracture management, Cervical spine immobilization, Choking, Airway management including intubation and cricothyroidotomy, Paralytic drugs, Defibrillation, Allergist, Immunologist, Allergy, Allergies, Immunology, Allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, Anaphylaxis and severe allergic reactions, Mold exposure and allergy, Workplace allergy and environmental exposures, Food allergy: Seafood/shellfish, peanut, berries, egg, milk, wheat, Adverse reactions to drugs, vaccines, stinging insects, and other agents, Hypersensitivity pneumonitis and occupational lung diseases, Atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, acute/chronic urticaria or angioedema, Eosinophilic esophagitis, Neuroimmunology, Breast Surgery, Breast surgeon, Breast cancer, Breast augmentation (Silicone implants, saline implants, implant revision), Mastopexy (Breast lift), Reduction mammoplasty (Breast reduction), Mastectomy, Breast reconstruction, Rhinoplasty (Nose job), Blepharoplasty (Eyelid surgery), Rhytidectomy (Face lift), Abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck), Liposuction, Buttock augmentation, Cosmetic injectables (Botox®, Radiesse®, Juvederm®, Restylane®), Cleft lip and palate, Scar revision, Traumatic reconstruction, Tissue expansion, Complex laceration repair, Skin cancer, Skin grafting, nipple, Burn Injury, Burn surgeon, hyperbaric, First-degree, second-degree, and third-degree burns, Electrical burns, Lightning injuries, Chemical burns, Inhalation injuries, Thermal burns, Cold burns frostbite, Circumferential burns, Pediatric burns, Burn resuscitation, Debridement and escharotomy, Stevens Johnson syndrome, Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), Necrotizing fasciitis, TBSA, Total body surface area, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cardiothoracic surgeon, cardiac surgery, cardiac surgeon, thoracic surgery, thoracic surgeon, cardiovascular surgery, cardiovascular surgeon, Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), Congenital malformations, Pediatric cardiac surgery (PDA, VSD, ASD, Transposition of the Great Vessels, Tetralogy of Fallot), Heart valve surgery including balloon valvuloplasty, Left ventricular assist device (LVAD), Artificial heart implantation, Cardiac transplant surgery, Lung transplant surgery, Combination heart and lung transplant, Pneumonectomy and pulmonary lobectomy, Esophageal surgery (esophageal cancer, diverticula, achalasia, GERD), Mediastinal surgery, Thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection repair, Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS, or minimally invasive cardiac surgery), Diving, Hyperbaric, decompression, nitrogen narcosis, bends, Drowning, Diving injuries: Spine fracture, spinal cord injury, head trauma, resuscitation, Aquatic venue slip and fall, Waterslide and waterpark injuries, Swimming pool injuries, Beach safety and rescue, Cruise ship water venues: Slides, pools, shoreside activities, Chlorine and pool chemical exposure, Lifeguarding; Training, standards, protocols, staffing, oversight, Lifeguarded and Non-lifeguarded venues: Swimming pools, public beaches, private beaches, Aquatic danger warnings and signage, Watercraft and water sport injuries: Boats, jet skis, wakeboards, water skis, WaveRunners, Emergency Medicine, ER nurse, ER physician, ER doctor, ED Nurse, ED MD, ED doctor, ED Physician, emergency room, emergency department, emergency physician, EMTALA, Patient Dumping, Abscess, Acute cholecystitis, Acute intracranial injury (Subdural, Epidural, and Subarachnoid hemorrhage), Acute myocardial infarction (Heart attack), Airway management (Endotracheal intubation, Cricothyrotomy), Allergic reactions, Aortic dissections (thoracic or abdominal), Appendicitis, Cellulitis, Cerebrovascular accident (CVA, Stroke), Child abuse, Congestive heart failure (CHF), Conscious sedation and anesthesia for procedures, Dehydration, Diverticulitis and colitis (including C. Difficile infection), Drowning, Ectopic pregnancy, Elder abuse, Falls, Fractures and dislocations, Hypertensive emergencies, Laceration repair, Mesenteric ischemia (Ischemic colitis), Motor vehicle accidents, MRSA infection, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Penetrating trauma (gunshot and stab wounds), Pneumonia, Respiratory fail, Epidemiology Experts, epidemiologist, epidemic, pandemic, Hospital Medical, hospital administrator, davinci, robotic, minimally invasive, da vinci, robot surgery, robotic surgeon, Laparascopic Surgery, laparoscopic surgery, Appendectomy, Cholecystectomy (Gallbladder removal), Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication (surgery to correct gastroesophageal reflux), Laparoscopic hiatal hernia surgery, Colectomy and ileostomy, Exploratory laparoscopy, Splenectomy, Laparoscopic hernia surgery: inguinal and ventral, Laparoscopic bariatric surgery, Gastric banding (Lap Band Surgery), Vertical sleeve gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS), Pediatric laparoscopic surgery, Adrenalectomy, Nephrectomy, Laparoscopic adhesiolysis, Laparoscopic hysterectomy, Mammography Experts, Mammogram, womens, imaging, women's imaging, womens' imaging, women, breast, breast cancer, breast imaging, Mammography, Bone Densitometry, Breast MRI, Breast-Specific Gamma Imaging, Computed Tomography (CT), 3D Mammography, 3D ultrasound, 4D ultrasound, Needle Localization, Stereotactic Biopsy, Ultrasound, Ultrasound Biopsy, Medical Experts, Medical Devices, Medical Device, device, Intellectual property, surgical device, surgical devices, clinical trial, clinical trials, patent infringement, medical device testing, CFR 21 part 820 to keep a detailed record of the design process for every medical device? This record can provide evidence that your defendant performed an exceptional hazard analysis and designed a safe product, or can provide evidence that your plaintiff was hurt by a poorly thought through, inadequately designed, unsafe product.,

Licenses and Certifications

ABMS Board Certified specialists in every medical and surgical discipline.


Years in Practice

Number of Time Deposed/Testified in the Last Four Years

Additional Information

Elite Medical Experts is a physician-run consulting firm specializing in complex litigation. We work closely with clients to develop strategic and tactical insight, and for cases needing experts we identify, screen, and hand select leading university specialists in every medical and surgical field. Each expert is a Professor of Medicine or Surgery at a top-tier medical center with full-time clinical practice, Board-Certification, and spotless credentials. Rather than relying on a database, each expert is researched and selected based on the unique preferences of the client and requirements of the case. Elite also maintains in-house physicians and nurses to provide high-level consultation on every call, and we can access experts from private practice and every healthcare field as well. With over 8000 engagements in all 50 states and internationally, Elite solves challenges so that our clients win.