Medicine & Health - General
Urologic Oncology. Extensive experience in prostate cancer, kidney and bladder tumors, sexual dysfunction, penile implants, kidney transplantation, pelvic trauma, stone disease, infections, incontinence, bladder injury. Full-time clinical practice. Author, lecturer, Who’s Who in America, Academic Appointment.
MD: FACS; CA Lic; Board Cert Amer Bd of Urology; Fellow, Amer College of Surgeons
Education: BA, Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Princeton Univ; MD, Yale Univ School of Medicine.
Experience in medical malpractice, plaintiff/defense; case reviews, deposition; expert witness, court experience. Previous Positions/Appointments: Clinical Faculty, Dept of Urology, Tulane Univ Schl of Med; Clin Faculty, Columbia Univ College of Physicians & Surgeons; Clin Faculty, Dep of Surgery/Urology, UCLA; Fellow, Amer College of Surgeons (FACS); Diplomate, Amer Bd Urology; Amer Fertility Soc; Soc of Air Force Clin Surgeons; Amer Urologic Assn (AUA); Societe Internationale D’Urologie; Transplant Soc of So Calif; Bd of Governors, LA Cnty Med Assn; Intl College of Surgeons; Soc of Minimally Invasive Surgery. Honors/Awards: Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude, Princeton Univ; Soc of Sigma Xi Scientific Honorary Soc, Yale Univ; Alpha Omega Alpha Med Honorary Soc; Magnes Medalist, Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem; Albert Schweitzer Award, Sheba Med Ctr, Israel; Excellence in Medicine award, Israel Cancer Foundation; Endowed Chair in Urologic Research, Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem, Israel. Publications/Media: Extensive publishing experience in scientific journals, books, lectures, training seminars, course directorships