Marketing & advertising strategy as well as marketing research, questionnaire design & statistical issues. I specialize in survey research, confusion, secondary meaning, dilution, false advertising, celebrity advertising, pricing strategy, pioneership & international advertising. Consumer behavior expertise incl rumor & information processing. I have assisted such individuals as Muhammed Ali, Taylor Swift, Rock Group “Boston,” The “Doors,” Bill Medley & Kareem Abdul Jabbar & such companies as AT&T, Pinkberry, MGM, Lexus, AMEX, the State of California & New York St. Attorney General Elliot Spitzer’s Office, Samsung. Appeared against President Trump in the Trump University Class Action.
BBA; MBA (Statistics); Doctorate (Marketing Research & Strategy)
Working as an Expert Witness since 1994. 50+ depositions & 8 trial experiences. Education: BBA (Statistics) Bernard M, Baruch, 1974; MBA (Statistics) Bernard M Baruch, 1977; PhD (Marketing) New York University, 1984. Previous Positions/Appointments: Taught Statistics at Baruch College & Marketing/Marketing Research at NYU, USC, Stony Brook and the Drucker School of Management. Honors & Awards: Golden Apple Award winning teacher and Dean’s Scholar, Best Teacher in the Grad School of Business at Stony Brook, 2008. Number of Publications: 50+. Professional Societies: Assn for Consumer Research; Amer Marketing Assn; Academy of Marketing Science. Fees: $895 for deposition, trial and consultation