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View AllDoug Bania is the founding principal of Nevium, an intellectual property consulting firm specializing in IP Valuation, developing IP strategies, and providing expert testimony related to IP damages and licensing customs and practices. Bania calculates damages for copyright, trademark, and publicity rights infringement. He is experienced with social media and Internet disputes, defamation, marketing strategy analysis, and royalty rate determinations.
Chemicals, household chemicals, industrial chemicals, hazardous materials, labels & warnings, paint & coatings, chemical accidents, product liability, premises liability, patent infringement, chemical fires, chemical exposure, safety data sheets.
Economic losses, lost profits, contract damages, employment economics, wrongful termination, class action and mass tort analysis, valuation of earnings & benefits; wrongful injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice; financial valuation, investment analysis, “what if” analysis, statistical analysis & modeling, intellectual property, compensation issues, including executive compensation; entertainment industry; construction defects; sampling & surveys; database construction & analysis; family business; forensic accounting including lost profits and business valuation; and custom research
Patent Applications for new Inventions
Here are just a few of the Expert categories we offer: accounting, automotive, biomechanics, business, chemical, cell phone, construction, economics, engineering, failure analysis, finance, firearms, hazardous materials, hotel, insurance, intellectual property, machinery, marketing, medical and medical device, nursing home, pharmacology, product liability, psychology, security, financial securities, toxicology, technical, transportation, valuation, warnings. And thousands more Expert witness categories. Contact us to find the most precise Expert for your case. We will connect you with Experts who are interested and available to meet your time deadlines.
Patent damages and intellectual property; employment litigation; insurance litigation; sports & entertainment; economic impact studies; antitrust economics; surveys and statistical analyses; financial markets & event studies.
DAMAGES: lost profits, reasonable royalty, economic harm, loss of value, unjust enrichment, SEP/FRAND, business impact, loss of value. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights. UNFAIR COMPETITION: economic harm, unjust enrichment, false advertising. ANTITRUST: market definition, restraints on competition, competitive impact, antitrust liability. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: irreparable harm, balance of hardships, class certification. OTHER AREAS: valuation, financial analysis, labor, employment, and more.
Specializing in patent, copyright, trademark clearance, filing, licensing and litigation matters for a wide range of complex technologies and consumer goods. Expertise in patent, trademark and copyright procedures and practices before the U.S. Patent Office, U.S. Trademark Office, Trademark Trial & Appeal Board and Domain Name Dispute Resolution.
Engel & Engel, LLP is a Los Angeles CPA firm engaged in the practice of forensic accounting for over 25 years. Mr. Engel has served as an expert witness in over 500 forensic accounting cases including expert testimony in connection with a jury award of $2.3 billion.